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Process Controllers

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Quick & Precise is what the Fuji Electric's PXG series of controllers can be attributed with. The PXG controller has been designed to meet the increasing demands of the process control industry & machine manufacturers. A 200 ms sampling cycle time makes the PXG the fastest controller in its class. Standard features of the PXG include Universal Process Value Input, Auto- Manual operation with A/M key, Choice of 5 kinds of Control Output, Heating & Cooling Control, Programmable Alarms, Upto 5 Digital Inputs & 3 Digital Outputs, Upto 7 PID Palettes, Password function, Alarm Flicker function, Extra bright & Extra large LED display, Water-proof structure, Soft Start function, Smart Ramp / Soak function with Guaranteed Soak, PID + Auto-tuning + Self-tuning, PV / SV light out function, PC Loader interface and many more. Options include, 2nd Control Output, Re-transmission Output (PV/SV/MV), Motorized Valve Control Output (with & without Potentiometric feedback), Heater break alarm, Transmitter Power Supply, Remote SV Input function, RS-485 MODBUS communication function. The PXG controller conforms to CE & UL standards.

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Automation Panels, Counter Electronic, Differential Pressure Transmitters, Digital Counter, Digital Counters, Digital Timers, Gas Analyzers, Level Transmitters, Multi Loop Controller, Multi Loop Module Type Temperature Controller, Panel Meters, Paperless Recorder, Pha Chart Recorder, Phc Chart Recorder, Phe Chart Recorder, Phf Paperless Recorder, Phl Paperless Recorder, Phu Paperless Recorder, Process Controllers, Programmable Timers, Recorders, Servo Systems, Temp. Controllers, Temperature Controllers, Temperature Scanner, Timers, Touch Screen Hmi, Ultrasonic Flow Meters